Thursday, October 15, 2009

No School today and the cast is OFF!!!- Zadna Skola dneska a sadra je dole!!!

Dneska je Matejuv den!! Maji ted kratsi prazdniny ze skoly a jeste k tomu mu dneska sundali sadru. Hura Mateji!!!! Jeste musi nosit do skoly a taekwanda na tri nedele dlahu ale da se to sundat a muze si to umyt. Ja se chystam do prace a Michael prijede z prace za dve hodinky. Pokusim se prichytnout video ze vcerejska a par fotek od doktora z dnesniho rana.
Today is Matthew day!!! They have 4 day weekend and this morning they took of his cast. Huray Matthew!!! He still have to wear brace to school and to taekwando, but he can take it off and wash his hand. I am getting ready for work and Michael is getting home from work in couple hours. I will try to attach the video from yesterday and some pictures from todays doctor office.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Our First Snow!!! --- Nas Prvni Snih

So tonight I am coming home from work about 9:45 pm and it's snowing like crazy! You got to love Montana weather!! And I do. I pull in front of our house and my children with my husband are all outside in heavy jackets and snow boots. Our dog Lazy( black lab) is jumping in the snow. He really like's snow. Well and we supposed to have pretty cold weekend. Seems to me that somehow we skipped the fall. But no worries we have fall coming next week, this is just a freak kind of weekend. And we all love it!!!! That picture that I am having with this post are all taken tonight about 11 pm from our front porch. Now everybody in our house is sleeping except for me, well I am right here writing the story. Michael starting his new job tomorrow morning, please be in prayer for him. And to all of you: Have a good night.

Tak si predstavte dneska vecer kolem 21:45 jedu domu z prace a zacalo chumelit jak blazen. Musis milovat Montanske pocasi! I ja ho miluji. Zaparkovala jsem pred nasim barakem a moje deti i s manzelem jsou venku v zimnich bundach a galosich. Nas pes Lazy ( cernej labrador) skace ve snehu. On ma rad moc snih. A to ma byt pekne velka zima pres vikend. Vypada to ze jsme nejak preskocili podzim. Ale nestrachujte se pristi tyden se nam navvrati podzim, to je jenom takovej popletenej vikend. Ale my to milujem!!!! Ty fotky ktere prikladam jsou vzity kolem 23:00 dneska vecer na nasem zaprazi. Ted uz tady vsichni spinkaji krome me samozrejme protoze pisu tohle story. Michael zacina svou novou praci zitra rano, prosim pomodlete se za neho. A vam vsem preji krasnou dobrou noc.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Something to think about - Neco na zamysleni

So today is Saturday October 3 and my sister Jana is celebrating her 32 Birthday. Hope you have a great one today Jana.May your day be filled with much a great surprises. That reminds me we not getting any younger, but we getting more prettier and mature wright ladies? LOL. The question is how we live our lives and for what purpose?
Did you ever think about that? Once I went through studies The Purpose Driven Live by Rick Warren, but I never really finished it. I have to tell you ladies lately I have been working so hard I had felt disconnected from God. I have not been able to go to church, because of my job. And I want to feel alive again not just surviving the days, but live them fully, filled with Gods love and peace. So please be in prayer for me. This morning when I got up it was outside only 41 degrees. Michael bought him one of the handy-dandy thermometers with the outside sensor that tells you what is the temp outside while you sit in coziness of your living room. Well I better get some breakfast for the boys and myself. Michael went to grocery store and he will be watching today Alabama football game. Roll Tide ladies!!!
From the Bible: Ask Him ........... just ask Him.... Matthew 7:7 John 15:7
Dnes je Sobota 3. Rijna a moje sestra Jana oslavuje narozeniny. At je tvuj den naplnen s krasnejma prekvapenima. To me pripomina ze jsme zase o rok starsi ale jsme hezci a rozumejsi spravne holky? Ha ha. Otazka je jak zijeme nase zivoty a za jakym ucelem? Premysleli jste nad tim nekdy? Pred casem jsem zacala studie Duvodem Rizeny Zivot psany Rickem Warrenem, ale nikdy jsem je nedokoncila. Musim se vam priznat ze v posledni dobe pracuji tolik hodin ze se citim dusevne oddelena od naseho Boha. Nebyla jsem ve sboru, protoze jsem porad v praci. A chtela bych se zase citit naplnena na jenom prezivat dny ale zit je naplno, plna Bozi lasky a pohody. Tak se prosim za me modlete. Dneska rano bylo jenom 5 stupnu nad nulou. Michael koupil takovej sikovnej teplomer s venkovnim sensorem ktery ti rekne venkovni teplotu z pohody a tepla tveho obyvaku. Mela bych jit asi nachystat nejakou snidani pro kluky a me. Michael jel do potravin a pak se bude divat jak hraje Alabama fotbal. Roll Tide holky!!!
Z Bible: Popros Ho............ proste Ho popros............ Matyas 7:7 Jan 15:7

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

One more day off --- Jeste jeden den volna

Today is Wednesday and I have one more day off, however have to go to work tonight to do inventory. But it won't take but couple hours. Today is our first fall day, it is so much colderrrr!!!

It is 10:20 am and it is 50 degrees. The best thing I am exctited is the changing of the color of the leaves. Soon as the fall it's in best I will take some pictures and post them for you. Michael finaly got well, he had the flu and took him about 6 days to get well and Matthew is well also.

I have exciting news. Michael is starting new job with the local newspaper Daily Interlake as a advertising and marketing strategist. In case you did not know Matthew has a cast on his left forearm, which he broke at school on September 17. But I must say he acts like nothing to it.

From the Bible today

ASK HIM..... to give you the wisdom but more importantly the Fortitude to walk in His way.

Deuteronomy 31:6 2 Chronicles 15:7

Dnes je streda a ja mam jeste jeden den volna, krome toho ze musim jit na dve hodiny do prace delat invetar. Dnes je prvni podzimni den, ochladilo se!!! Je 10: 20 A je venku 10 stupnu. Ta nejlepsi vec je ale az se zacnou sbarvovat listy na stromech. Az bude podzim v nejlepsim tak vezmu par fotek a vystavim je pro vas. Michael je konecne zdravej po sesti dnech chripky a Matej se citi taky lepe. Mam dobre zpravy. Michael zacina novou praci s lokalnima novinama Daily Interlake jako Advertising a marketing strategist. Kdybyste to nahodou nevedli Matej ma sadru na leve ruce, ktero si zlomil 17 zari ve skole. Ale musim rict ze mu to moc nevadi, je v pohode.

Z Bible dnes

Poproste Ho..... at vam da moudrost, co vic at vam da silu a determinaci Ho nasledovat.

Deuteronomium 31:6, 2 Paralipomenon 15:7

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Let's start from the begining

We were all so happy to arive in Montana, it was long four days on the road!!!
__ this is taken in June 2007 in the mountain pass Montana

Notes from kitchen table

Hello ladies and Ahoj holky

I think this is a great way to share with my friends and family what is going on in the Blue's lifes.

Myslim si ze tohle je dobry napad jak se s vami podelit co se deje u nas doma.

I am going to post a pictures and videos of me and my family, share my highs and lows of everyday life in Montana.

Prilepim tady fotky a videa me a me rodiny a sverim se vam jak s radostnejma aji se spatnejma zpravama kazdodeniho zivota z Montany.

___ tahle fotka je brana pred dvouma rokama v Gulf Shores Alabama, tesne pred odjezdem( stehovanim do Montany)

___ this picture is taken two years ago in Gulf Shores Alabama right before our move to Montana
This is video of the boys two years ago