Saturday, October 3, 2009

Something to think about - Neco na zamysleni

So today is Saturday October 3 and my sister Jana is celebrating her 32 Birthday. Hope you have a great one today Jana.May your day be filled with much a great surprises. That reminds me we not getting any younger, but we getting more prettier and mature wright ladies? LOL. The question is how we live our lives and for what purpose?
Did you ever think about that? Once I went through studies The Purpose Driven Live by Rick Warren, but I never really finished it. I have to tell you ladies lately I have been working so hard I had felt disconnected from God. I have not been able to go to church, because of my job. And I want to feel alive again not just surviving the days, but live them fully, filled with Gods love and peace. So please be in prayer for me. This morning when I got up it was outside only 41 degrees. Michael bought him one of the handy-dandy thermometers with the outside sensor that tells you what is the temp outside while you sit in coziness of your living room. Well I better get some breakfast for the boys and myself. Michael went to grocery store and he will be watching today Alabama football game. Roll Tide ladies!!!
From the Bible: Ask Him ........... just ask Him.... Matthew 7:7 John 15:7
Dnes je Sobota 3. Rijna a moje sestra Jana oslavuje narozeniny. At je tvuj den naplnen s krasnejma prekvapenima. To me pripomina ze jsme zase o rok starsi ale jsme hezci a rozumejsi spravne holky? Ha ha. Otazka je jak zijeme nase zivoty a za jakym ucelem? Premysleli jste nad tim nekdy? Pred casem jsem zacala studie Duvodem Rizeny Zivot psany Rickem Warrenem, ale nikdy jsem je nedokoncila. Musim se vam priznat ze v posledni dobe pracuji tolik hodin ze se citim dusevne oddelena od naseho Boha. Nebyla jsem ve sboru, protoze jsem porad v praci. A chtela bych se zase citit naplnena na jenom prezivat dny ale zit je naplno, plna Bozi lasky a pohody. Tak se prosim za me modlete. Dneska rano bylo jenom 5 stupnu nad nulou. Michael koupil takovej sikovnej teplomer s venkovnim sensorem ktery ti rekne venkovni teplotu z pohody a tepla tveho obyvaku. Mela bych jit asi nachystat nejakou snidani pro kluky a me. Michael jel do potravin a pak se bude divat jak hraje Alabama fotbal. Roll Tide holky!!!
Z Bible: Popros Ho............ proste Ho popros............ Matyas 7:7 Jan 15:7

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